This is also a common reason why people struggle with being able to drive. Another cause of puffy eyes after drinking is that alcohol consumption can lead to bloating, so you may experience bloating around your eyes. Addressing these underlying issues can prevent relapse and support a healthier future. If you’re living with an alcoholic, you know how these dynamics can strain relationships and impact everyone in the household. Recognizing and dealing with these foundational problems can bring healing not just to the individual, but to their loved ones as well.
- Prolonged heavy drinking can cause nutritional deficiencies that may affect the eyes, such as a deficiency in essential vitamins and minerals.
- Ptosis occurs when the muscles responsible for lifting the eyelids become weakened, causing them to appear droopy.
- One of the main reasons for damage to the eyes from alcohol abuse is thought to be vitamin deficiency from long-term alcohol abuse.
For example, a deficiency in vitamin A caused by alcoholism can cause dryness, thinning or perforation of the cornea, night blindness, or blindness from retinal damage. A deficiency of vitamin B-1 caused by drinking an excessive amount of alcohol can cause the eye muscles to become weak or paralyzed. The eyes work harder to compensate for their reduced efficiency, leading to strain. If you find yourself squinting or closing your eyes frequently due to discomfort, it’s a sign that alcohol is affecting your ocular health.
Recurrent swelling may suggest an underlying issue with the kidneys, liver, or heart and should be seen by a doctor if continuing for more than two days in a row. Also a common by-product of liver disease, jaundice is characterized by yellowing of the skin and sclera (the whites) of the eye. Some alcohol abusers suffering from jaundice will also experience darkening of the skin around the eyes, mouth, and legs.
How alcohol causes dry eye
The central nervous system, composed of the brain and spinal cord, regulates basic regulatory functions such as blinking. We have strict sourcing guidelines and only link to reputable media sites, academic research institutions and, whenever possible, medically peer reviewed studies. B vitamins also include Thiamine which is important for neurobiological health. Rest assured that at Heroes’ Mile in Florida, we’ve got your six, and you do not have to deal with addiction alone.
Understanding the Relationship Between Alcohol and Dry Eye Disease (DED)
If you find that a night of overindulgence leads to short-term eye issues the morning after, there are a few things you can try. While these problems are usually temporary, knowing how to address them can make all the difference in turning your day around. The eyes don’t just mirror the soul — they can tell a vivid story of the physical world deeper inside, particularly the liver.
Alcoholism Addiction Treatment at Pathways Recovery Center
Consuming alcohol in moderation, or having two or fewer drinks per day for men and one drink or fewer per day for women, is unlikely to cause long-term eye issues. Alcohol in tears may also directly affect the surface layers of the eye. After drinking, tears can contain traces of alcohol, which can further trigger inflammation and cause damage to the eyes.
On the other hand, alcoholic eye damage resulting from chronic alcohol abuse may be long-lasting or permanent. One of the main reasons for damage to the eyes from alcohol abuse is thought to be vitamin deficiency from long-term alcohol abuse. Additionally, alcoholism also disrupts neurological connections to the eye and disturbs optical nerve health.
It can lead to bloodshot or red eyes due to the dilation of blood vessels. Alcohol can also impair the function of the tear glands, resulting in dry and irritated eyes. Additionally, alcohol abuse can contribute to nutritional deficiencies, including a deficiency in vitamin B1 (thiamine), which is crucial for maintaining healthy vision. Alcohol abuse can have significant effects on various aspects of a person’s health, including physical, mental, and emotional well-being. One noticeable physical manifestation of alcohol abuse What Happens When You Stop Drinking Alcohol can be observed in the eyes.
‘Alcoholic eyes’ is often used to describe the bloodshot eyes of heavy drinkers. Alcohol widens the blood vessels in the eyes, causing more blood to flow through them, increasing their appearance and volume. It can also cause yellowing of the sclera (whites) from jaundice caused by alcohol and liver complications. Heavy drinkers or individuals that drink often put themselves at a higher risk for short term and permanent damages. Heavy drinking can also lead to other bodily risks, such as liver damage which is closely related to eye health. Drinking an excessive amount of alcohol harms every organ in the human body, including the eyes.
Alcoholic eyes are a term used to describe the physical appearance of a person’s eyes after consuming alcohol. The most common visible signs include redness, bloodshot eyes, and dilated pupils. Other less noticeable but equally important effects on the eyes include blurred vision, slower pupil response, difficulty focusing, and dryness. These changes in vision can be dangerous as they can impair one’s ability to drive or operate machinery.